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Labor Burden! Not Labor's Tyler Durden.
It's not a figment of labor's imagination. Labor burden does exist. What exactly is labor burden? It's the costs associated with payroll,...

Snap Shot (1): The Balance Sheet
Balance sheet boils down to what you own and what you owe. This is crucial as the surety wants to know if you have the resources to...

For the Love of God Reconcile
Anytime you have a sub-ledger, you'll want to reconcile it to the trial balance. What the hell do I mean? Great question! Your accounts...

Ratio Analysis. The fun stuff! (Part 2)
Did you hit your budget targets? Part 2 of this lesson will be less cumbersome as most of the analysis is pretty self-explanatory. If you...

Ratio Analysis. The fun stuff! (Part 1)
There are tons of ratios you can use when evaluating your performance. I've put together some of the ones that I felt were the most...

Fixed Assets. Boooooooring. Sort of...
So you've just purchased a fixed asset, that's exciting! Wish I could say the same about keeping track of those assets in your accounting...

Recommended Literature
I'd like to recommend some material I've picked up over the years that has some really great information on the financial and operational...

Things to look out for when calculating WIP
There are a couple common errors we need to look out for when building the report. 1) Billings to date greater than the contract amount:...

Part 3: What is the WIP telling us?
Let's talk about the what the WIP report is doing! A few background items to address here before we get going. There's a method to...

Check it out!
Check out the link below for some really great content from Dr. Schleifer! Never met the guy but I do subscribe to his newslog and it's...

Part 2: The WIP Inputs
No more garbage in garbage out. Can't wait right?! Don't let the schedule scare you away, it's really not so bad! Pretty soon you'll want...

Part 1: The WIP Template
Looks easy enough. Plug in some numbers and there you are. Not so fast. Step 1: Download the template Step 2: Visit the other posts for a...
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